Visual-motor integration recources and activities
BRAINSCRIBED exercises/activities are ideal for:
cognitive training ... for seniors who enjoy solving different pen-and-paper challenges, and
cognitive rehabilitation ... for people with impaired or declining visual-motor integration, or with other conditions, who can benefit from systematic visual-motor excercise.
BRAINSCRIBED activities can be especially useful for health care experts working with seniors and elderly citizens, either within elderly centers/homes, or in programmes/institutions providing service for people with declining or impaired visual-motor integration.
Different uses of BRAINSCRIBE activities for seniors:
Retaining cognitive sharpness. BRAINSCRIBE SENIOR activities are ideal for seniors who enjoy solving different pen-and-paper challenges. Its visual-motor exercises can be used as a part of cognitive training for maintaining and preserving cognitive and fine motor skills in elderly population.
​Overcoming visual-motor difficulties. BRAINSCRIBE SENIOR activities can be used by health care experts working in elderly centers or in other institutions providing service for people with declining, or impaired visual-motor integration for planning individualized cognitive training or interventions for adults who can benefit from systematic visual-motor excercise.
Two ways to access BRAINSCRIBED resources: